Barcelonés. Amante de la escena, apasionado caminante entre la línea de lo habitual y lo inexplorado. Licenciado en ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte, especializado en expresión corporal. Estudió expresión corporal dramática experimental, en El Laboratorio, Barcelona. El cual le regaló unas alas de aprendiz de este oficio.

Cofundador del colectivo artístico Elenigmadelafruta, en el cual desarrolla, investiga, prueba y responde a todas sus inquietudes y sus ideas mas disparatadas en el marco del site-specific, performance, acciones de calle y eventos, con el objetivo de romper convencionalismos, interactuar con el público y hacerles mover la esencia. Trabaja como bailarín y profesor free-lance y es miembro activo de la escena contact improvisación en Barcelona y en Ibiza.

Su estudio personal de movimiento, transita entre la acrobacia orgánica, el contact, el breakdance, el aprovechamiento máximo del espacio y el riesgo. Amasando una búsqueda inagotable de un estilo bien propio y único.

Lo encontrarás jugando en las calles del mundo!




A dance that begins with sensitivity, is a dance that inhabits the importance of the act of dancing itself.

For those who wish to immerse themselves in the world of contact dance and deepen their connection with the body and others.

A dialogue between two sensitivities that tactfully attends to what is created improvisationally in that moment.

Tools will be shared to develop a special receptivity towards improvisation in movement.

Participants will be encouraged to release inhibitions and to trust their own sensibility, with intuition when moving and relating to others.

Throughout the workshop, there will be exercises and games designed to encourage sensitivity in contact, active listening and spontaneous response.

No experience is necessary, just the desire to pamper your dance with all your senses.


From Barcelona city. Lover and passionate of the stage, He walks between the line of the unusual and unexplored. Bachelor of Science in physical activity and sport, specialized in body language and physical theater. He studied experimental dramatic physical theater, in El Laboratorio, based in Barcelona. Where he found a pair of big winds of learner of this amazing profession.

Co-founder of the art collective Elenigmadelafruta, which develops, researches, tests and answer all his questions and more crazy ideas under the site-specific performance, street actions and events, with the aim of breaking conventions, interact with the public and let them move. He works as a dancer and freelance teacher and is an active member of contact improvisation scene in Barcelona and Ibiza.

His personal study of movement, transits between organic acrobatics, contact, the breakdance, how maximize the space and risk. To draw an endless research of his own unique and authentic style.

Found him playing in the streets of the world!